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As REALTORS® we run across a rental scam almost daily where the scammer has stolen pictures off the internet of a property for rent or sale, sets up their own fake rental on Craigslist using the photos and tries to lure a trusting tenant to rent and send a deposit the property sight unseen. This happens locally!
Our best advice is to set up a Google Alert on your home or rental property. Google Alerts are simple and free tools to get regular updates about something that interests you, such as your property and your tenants.
As a landlord, you should set up a Google Alert on your property’s address so you can see whenever someone posts something on the internet about your property to make sure it’s a legitimate post. You may also want to set up a Google Alert using the name of your tenant so you can be on top of what your tenant is doing in case he or she gets arrested or in trouble for any illegal activities. We also recommend setting up a Google Alert with your tenant’s telephone number. This could possibly tip you off if your tenant plans to move without providing notice. If they place a “MOVING SALE” advertisement on Craigslist with their telephone number, it should turn up in a google alert notification.
As a homeowner, we also recommend setting up a Google Alert so you can make sure someone doesn’t try run a rental scam using photos of your property.
It even makes sense for renters to set up a Google Alert on the address where they are living.
(We also recommend parents set up Google Alerts on each of their children using the child’s full legal name, but that’ s another story for another day!)
Go to (note that you’ll need to have a Google login to use the service). For each Alert, you need to decide the following:
This content is not the product of the National Association of REALTORS® , and may not reflect NAR’s viewpoint or position on these topics and NAR does not verify the accuracy of the content.
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