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As the news and impact of COVID-19 continues to evolve, many Buyers and Sellers are wondering what to do as they still need to move and buy a home or sell a home during this traditionally busy spring season.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Washington State Department of Health (WSDH) are currently recommending people not gather in groups of 10 or more. Additionally, on Sunday, March 15th, Governor Jay Inslee signed an emergency declaration temporarily shutting down bars, restaurants, and places of entertainment and recreation statewide, and capping all public gatherings at 50 people. With these thoughts in mind, here are a few recommendations:
~ The Sellers and I will discuss the pros and cons of holding open houses, especially if there are young, elderly, or immunocompromised people living in the home. Many open houses have been very busy. Sellers may want to consider leaving their homes during the weekend of their open houses.
~ Our Multiple Listing Services has made the difficult decision to disable the open houses feature until at least March 31st. Realtor, Zillow, Redfin, etc. all have their own policies that are adapting.
~ I will still be holding open houses (if agreed to with the Sellers) on my listings in partnership with the Sellers we will be cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces and having a hand sanitizer placed at the front door. We will be requesting all guests to use the hand washing station with disposable towels upon entering and leaving them home. Sellers will be disinfecting the home for their own safety after showings (especially doorknobs, faucet handles, etc.).
~ No food or drinks will be provided.
~ If another group is touring a home before us, we will wait outside for them to finish. Once they leave, I will access the house and we will carefully tour it sanitizing before entering and after exiting.
~ If there is a home you want more information on but are not comfortable seeing it in person, I can do a live video walk-through (with the Seller’s permission).
~ It has been a Seller’s market so we have already been using video calling and electronic signing so we are ahead of the curve here!
Please see the CDC’s website and the Washington State Department of Health’s website for the latest updates about the disease. Additional information about the impact of coronavirus on the real estate industry can be found on the National Association of Realtor’s website.
Remember, we are in this together and the goal is to keep each other safe. We will be communicating and updating these policies as information changes.
~ Andi
Proudly serving the great people of Bellingham, Ferndale, Lynden, Blaine, and Whatcom County, WA
Office Location
Bellingham Office
RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc.
913 Lakeway Drive