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We’ve got practical and pretty blogger projects that pack a payoff.
These four projects can boost your home’s value and good looks for a lot less money that total room renovations.
And you can knock out each yourself over a weekend — or two.
#1 Ikea Hack Transforms Basement
Katos, of the blog No. 29 Design, wanted to convert her dreary unfinished
basement into a bright and cheerful family room that included 17 feet
of built-in storage. Hiring someone to create her dream built-in would have
cost up to $8,000. So she constructed one herself using furniture from Ikea’s
Hemnes living room collection.
Estimated costs:
Percentage recovered:
You’ll recover about 70% of
your costs on a basement remodel, according to the “Remodeling Impact
Report” from the National Association of REALTORS®.
#2 Simple Hack Lights Up Landscaping
Gina, who writes The Shabby Creek Cottage blog, devised a concrete pillar light to illuminate her walkway without expensive hardwiring. In fact, her project is solar powered, so this DIY won’t run up the utility bill.
Plus outdoor lighting
is a rock-solid way to enhance security and curb appeal.
Estimated costs:
$13 each
Percentage recovered:
Outdoor lighting along with
trees and native plants are an essential
part of a gorgeous and value-adding landscape.
And good landscaping can amount to as much as 28% of a home’s overall value,
according to landscape economist John Harris.
#3 Paint, Light, and Faux Stone Entryway Says ‘Welcome’
When Christine, of First Home Love Life blog, moved into her home, the entryway was less than inviting. It lacked light. The paint on the front door was chipped. The concrete walkway was cracked.
any REALTOR® will tell you, first impressions count.
To revamp her entryway, she gave the front door a fresh coat of paint and
installed a new pendant lamp. A year later she had a light-bulb-over-her-head
moment while walking down the spray paint aisle at Home Depot. The result: Her
faux stone walkway — created with a surprising technique.
Estimated costs:
Percentage recovered:
A new
front door
offers a solid return on your
investment. According to the “Remodeling Impact Report” from the
National Assocation of REALTORS®, you’ll recover 75% of the cost of a new door
if you should sell your house.
#4 Patio Pavers Rescue This Backyard
DIY can get messy. Ask Taryn of the blog Design, Dining, and Diapers, whose patio upgrade resulted in two shattered iPhones, left her with aching muscles, and took five times longer than the 8 to 10 hours she estimated from her online research. (Keep in mind, she and her husband were both patio-installing newbies. They’re also self-confessed perfectionists.)
regrets? Nope, she loves her new 230-square-foot stone
and get her lessons-learned
tips for saving time.
Estimated costs:
Percentage recovered:
A new patio professionally
installed costs about $7,200 according the “Remodeling Impact Report”
— with a return of 69%.
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Deirdre Sullivanis an NYC-based writer who’s obsessed with maximizing every inch of her urban dwelling. She’s a former fashionista who has worked for Lucky Magazine and InStyle. She recently traded her high heels and Fashion Week pass for a drill and bandsaw. Follow Deirdre on Google+ , Twitter , and Pinterest.
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